Saturday, December 7, 2013

I Can Rest Only For a Moment, For With Freedom Come Responsibilities, and I Dare Not Linger, For My Long Walk Is Not Yet Ended


        Hey guys! Did anyone enjoy there Halloween? I know I'm in college but I didn't go to any of the wild  parties that seemed to be portrayed on Facebook. I just did my homework, and patiently waited until midnight to start writing for NaNoWriMo! I know, it's crazy! I signed up for it years ago, but never really participated at all. I don't know if I will be able to write 50,000 words in one month, but we'll see!

     That was suppose to be the beginning of this post when I wrote it, back in November (and know I did not write 50,000 words in one month). However, the unexpected came along and I was in the hospital for the whole of November. Now it's December and just recently a devastating thing had happened. Nelson Mandela passed away. Nelson Mandela was the person I looked up to, among many preliminary figures, and essentially my hero. Even though he was a 95 year old man with health issues, his death  shocked me and the world. Therefore, this post is now dedicated to him!

     He is one of the few (sadly) who fought with everything they had for his own people, and that should never be forgotten. When I started this post back in November, I was suppose to just update everyone about college life and all that jazz. The main focus was me starting a sickle cell club.

    Since the beginning of the school year, I have been thinking about starting this club.I hope to get everything ready for next year, and just work on this project like I've given birth to it. A lot of people do not know about this illness, so I'm hoping my club will bring those who do not know anything about sickle cell disease. With further knowledge, there will be more pressure into finding something that cure everyone with sickle cell disease.

    I know about the bone marrow transplant, but that doesn't work for all patients. It's like when Nelson Mandela, who wasn't even originally from South Africa, saw the mistreatment of black people there and did something about it. He could have lived somewhere else to be free and ignored the issues, but he didn't.

   There not only needs to be a more efficient cure for this illness, but there has to be enough doctors to know well enough about treating this illness. With my recent appointment with my hematologist, I sometimes feel like these doctors do not know what they are doing at all. In this day in age it's sad to say but there is just not enough good doctors.
   Just like Nelson, I am willing to fight for this illness so that no one has to suffer from it in the future. Maybe someday sickle cell would be like what polio is now  in the US. It's sounds crazy now, but I like to dream BIG! I mean Nelson was deemed crazy and a terrorist for wanting the black people in South Africa to be treated equally, and then he became president of their nation!

    I just want to thank Nelson Mandela and all the freedom fighters for inspiring me so much. For I wouldn't dream as BIG! This club is the first step!


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