Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Favorite Moment of the Year Is...!

My trip to Puerto Vallarta! The clock is ticking and that made me reminisce on the moments of this year. I promised that I would upload a video for you all on my experience traveling to Mexico alone in the summer. But like the procrastinator I am, I wait until the last day of the year, wow! Anyway, here it is I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for all those who have read and enjoyed my blog this year and I hope that next year I will blog more and make it the best blog it can be!


Monday, December 23, 2013

A Social Experiment: Friendships


  This woman has described my introversion to a tee! I have to post this very short blog post so that everyone can watch this! It is so honest and different from all the popular beauty queens I see on youtube. I'm just glad I am not alone on my thoughts and feelings, and I hope it makes s other introverts feel less alone.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

5 Events I Am Grateful For This Year!


  2013 is almost over, and I am very excited for the new year! I am jut going to compile a list of what I am grateful for this year. In the new year I will post what my goals are!!!!!  Even though this year seemed to pass by really fast, there were things I was grateful for!

1. Being accepted into the college I wanted. 
     I was accepted into the college of my choice, and I was very happy because I really worked hard and was determined more than ever! Whenever I don't feel up to it  or lazy, I  think to myself that there are a lot of things I can do if I just work harder!

2. Living in my first apartment!
       I never moved into an apartment before this year. There was a lot of ups and downs ( a lot of downs), but I have to say that I learned to be more independent. I learned a lot about having roommates, leases, and noisy neighbors and that such. I now know what to do next time I look for an apartment.I thank God that I had a place to stay, and another milestone to project me to adulthood. 

3. Making friends! 
    There was a point of time in my life where I literally had no social life. It was just school, volunteer, then go home. As I have stated before I am introverted, and if you haven't read my blog title I am also shy. The shyness has been going away though, and I don't know if it's because local college is different from university or what? But I have made more friends and relationships there than before. I prayed on it and it happened, and I am looking forward to making more relationships next year! 

4. Meeting others with sickle cell
       I always would say to myself,  I wish I knew someone with sickle cell! So I guess God heard me because out of nowhere  I was able to go to the Sickle 2k Walk near my university. It was amazing, because  I met people there who are now my friends, and when I was sick in the hospital they helped me out so much and visited me often! It shows that when you are going through something terrible in your life it helps to have a support system around you to reassure you everything will be okay. 

5. My trip to Mexico!
       I can't end this list without mentioning my trip to Mexico! It was my first solo trip, and it was outside of the country. I have to make the video of my trip and post it on youtube! Anyway this  past summer my journey to Puerto Vallarta was fantastico! I had  so much fun and learned along the way. However, I really became independent and overcame my fears and everyone else's fears to go through this trip by myself. I love to travel and want to travel 'till I 'cant no more, and  I didn't let money, people, news, doubts, anything stop me from going. If I did, I wouldn't have the memories that will last  a lifetime!

     There is a lot of stuff I am grateful for God, Jesus my family,and plenty of things! In addition, there will be more to come by believing in the great things God has in store for me! Happy holidays and a happy new year!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I Can Rest Only For a Moment, For With Freedom Come Responsibilities, and I Dare Not Linger, For My Long Walk Is Not Yet Ended


        Hey guys! Did anyone enjoy there Halloween? I know I'm in college but I didn't go to any of the wild  parties that seemed to be portrayed on Facebook. I just did my homework, and patiently waited until midnight to start writing for NaNoWriMo! I know, it's crazy! I signed up for it years ago, but never really participated at all. I don't know if I will be able to write 50,000 words in one month, but we'll see!

     That was suppose to be the beginning of this post when I wrote it, back in November (and know I did not write 50,000 words in one month). However, the unexpected came along and I was in the hospital for the whole of November. Now it's December and just recently a devastating thing had happened. Nelson Mandela passed away. Nelson Mandela was the person I looked up to, among many preliminary figures, and essentially my hero. Even though he was a 95 year old man with health issues, his death  shocked me and the world. Therefore, this post is now dedicated to him!

     He is one of the few (sadly) who fought with everything they had for his own people, and that should never be forgotten. When I started this post back in November, I was suppose to just update everyone about college life and all that jazz. The main focus was me starting a sickle cell club.

    Since the beginning of the school year, I have been thinking about starting this club.I hope to get everything ready for next year, and just work on this project like I've given birth to it. A lot of people do not know about this illness, so I'm hoping my club will bring those who do not know anything about sickle cell disease. With further knowledge, there will be more pressure into finding something that cure everyone with sickle cell disease.

    I know about the bone marrow transplant, but that doesn't work for all patients. It's like when Nelson Mandela, who wasn't even originally from South Africa, saw the mistreatment of black people there and did something about it. He could have lived somewhere else to be free and ignored the issues, but he didn't.

   There not only needs to be a more efficient cure for this illness, but there has to be enough doctors to know well enough about treating this illness. With my recent appointment with my hematologist, I sometimes feel like these doctors do not know what they are doing at all. In this day in age it's sad to say but there is just not enough good doctors.
   Just like Nelson, I am willing to fight for this illness so that no one has to suffer from it in the future. Maybe someday sickle cell would be like what polio is now  in the US. It's sounds crazy now, but I like to dream BIG! I mean Nelson was deemed crazy and a terrorist for wanting the black people in South Africa to be treated equally, and then he became president of their nation!

    I just want to thank Nelson Mandela and all the freedom fighters for inspiring me so much. For I wouldn't dream as BIG! This club is the first step!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Facing the Unexpected


   I am writing today in pain and fatigue! I haven't written a blogpost in a month! In fact, I haven't been able to finish NaNoWriMo, darn you 50,000 words!  My absence hasn't just been in the blog world and silly novel competitions, but also in school! No, I didn't have a mental breakdown (although college can do that!) But similar to a mental breakdown, it was out of my control.

    At the beginning of the month, I found myself having nurses pierce through my skin in search for that perfect vein, and afterwards seen by numerous doctors in their white coats trying to figure out what ailment had taken over me. All the while confined inside the white walls and with my deprived body depending on IV drips! Lol! I hope you liked my dramatic take on the situation, it makes up for missing NaNoWriMo!

    However, in all seriousnes, I was hospitalized for an entire month, which had never happened to me before(I think!). Anyway, first it was the flu, then it was pneumonia, next it was acute chest syndrome, and finally a vascular necrosis ( where the bones dissolve)  in my hips. It was treacherous for me, mostly because I hate hospitals, the particular one I went to was the worst of all, and I hate missing school! I mean they performed surgery on the patient rooming with me at three AM while I was trying to sleep!

  Anyway, being in the hospital all month meant I didn't have much control over much of  the things I planned, like finishing the semester for example. And like I've said before, you can't always control everything. Which was hard for me to grasp last month. But it's a new month now, I'm no longer in the hospital and I am ready to continue on with my life and finish my goals!  Besides there a people in the hospital who are there much longer, who practically live there, and I am blessed enough to have left that horrid place!