Sunday, August 11, 2013

New School, New You?


    Every year as summer goes back into hibernation and Fall peaks out from under its covers, I dream that things will change for the better. However that feeling of expectation is similar to the dreadful sensation of making a New Year resolution. I shout to the universe my requests of having  more friends, more social outings, dates, ect. Instead, I find myself repeating the same year (insert emoticon).

      I am going to a new school, a huge new school and I am terrified. Terrified of failing to the point that I might have panic attacks. Usually at this point of time, I would be meticulously making lists of things to buy, making up a skin care routine, and practicing my conversation skills in front of the mirror. This time around, however, I figure what's the point? Those things don't change who I am, and no matter how old I get, or where I live. I will continuously be surrounded by the same life situations.

It's that time of the year, again...

      It's just life. I think what I had been doing wrong this entire time was expecting for my surroundings to change, new school, new change. But that's not how it works. The world isn't perfect, no matter how much of a good person I think I am. Life has it's setbacks, I just have to put my metal armor on and deal with it. It comes with growing up I guess, and now that I've realized it maybe I can start to change.

    Maybe, with less expectations I won't get depressed? No, I just can't do that. I am a dreamer, there's not a second that goes by where I don't close my eyes and fantasize a paradise surrounded by a pink fuzzy haze . I cannot let Life tell me what to do, instead I must tell Life what it will do. And to show Life that I am being serious, I will compile a list of things to remind my self throughout the year.

17 Things to Remind Myself Throughout the Year! 
  • Tell yourself affirmative words.
  • Smile, even when you don't want to.
  • Make your own crowd, don't follow.
  • Talk to more people, humans aren't as scary as they seem.
  • Speak up more, you have interesting things to say.
  • Ask for help! 
  • Write more, it's therapeutic. 
  • Join lots of clubs and activities to keep yourself from drowning in school work.
  • Don't beat yourself up too much.
  • Read a lot more self-help books. 
  • Don't compare yourself to anyone.
  • Realize you are more than your mistakes, continue to count your blessings!
  • Hang out with people who respect you.
  • Continue to build up your strengths.
  • Don't just wallow in bed (unless reading a good book) do something you love.
  • Take a break, and take care of your health.
  • Keep blogging! 
   Here is my list of seventeen things to remind myself throughout the year. Basically I am changing my outtake and not necessarily all of the situations this year...we'll see how that goes.  Any suggestions? They're welcomed! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Transitioning: Wash day!!


     So I have been transitioning my hair from relaxed to natural for  thirteen months! Yeah! Whoo hoo!  It hasn't been easy at all. I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more, but here I am now! What has changed the most (besides my hair texture) is my hair routine. For the past year I have been changing up my hair routine, to see what works best , and the routine I currently have makes my hair so soft!!

    So this is my hair before I wash it. It was an old braid out that's dirty and dry.

I decided to deep condition my hair before I wash it, which is something i have never really done before. I lightly damped my hair and detangled it thoroughly, then I put my hair into four braids while I condition them. 

Putting my dry hair into four parts.


Here's my hair wet, you can see the stringy ends attached. And my hair is like a reddish brown due to the henna.


              I used the Shea Moisture' s Deep Treatment Mask and I added some Jamaican castor oil I got from a Caribbean market to it.  I think I got ripped off, because the bottle is the size of my palm and it costs $ 3.99!  Anyway, since it was late at night and I was tired, I decided to deep condition over night. However, I wouldn't do nightly deep conditions in the future because it can weaken the hair and cause it to break easily. 

    Next, I woke up the next morning, and I washed out my hair still in the four braids (but made it looser) with Kera Pro Restorative shampoo. It has sulfates, so choose another Shampoo that is sulfate free like Tresemee


       I then dry my hair with an old t-shirt and let it air dry. Usually I plan my wash days on days I have nowhere to  go, therefore I can just read and wait until my hair is  dry and ready to style. To stretch it I will moisturise with a leave-in conditioner and then braid my hair.  

   The number of braids depends on what I feel like, whether it's four braids, sixteen braids, cornrows, whatever! Then I will put some rollers at the end of my hair because I am transitioning, and keep it in for six hours or until the next morning to reveal the pleasant surprise my hair has undertaken.

So here are the (usual) results. And I love it, because it's fun, flirty, and soft to the touch.



Saturday, August 3, 2013


Hey guys! I haven't posted in such a long time. That's because I was too caught up in my solo trip to Mexico. I will be posting soon, and I am planning on making a video of my six day journey in Puerto Vallarta. Stay tuned! :)