Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Little Inspiration: Just Do You!

     “I want to do it all!” I declare to myself while taking a dump in the toilet (sorry, was that too much for you?) I want to blog, I want to vlog, I want to make films, I want to… I want to learn computer coding? Yes, computer coding! You see I have a lot of plans for myself, it may look like I am a confused twenty-something who doesn’t know what she wants but what’s wrong with that? Tyler Perry once said, “Put all of your energy into watering one area. If you spread the water across many, many seeds you don’t have as much water for one seed. So focus on one thing, make it your priority and stick with it no matter what.” Well then why do people garden, Perry? Why have one beautiful flower when you can have a garden full of azaleas, some petunias, daisies, hell, throw some basil in there as well. The more I do what I want and learn different tasks, the more I learn about myself and abilities. 

    You see, I’ve always had a problem picking just one thing to do. I mean, choosing just one major in college for example. If I had more time  I would have double-majored, can you triple-major? I fall in love with anything that fuels my soul. Anything that fizzles out my procrastination and self-doubt, and renews that spark for life is what I crave for.

     I realize that wanting to do many things at once can becomes daunting. However, humans are multi-faceted, so it makes sense that most would have many different passions in life. If you are a lawyer, but you want to create a fashion blog then why not have a stab at it? A screenwriter, who wants to create a game app? Okay, then! Take classes, go back to school, reach out to experts. Do whatever it takes.

   Only problem is what happens when the spark seems to dim? When it seems that your passion becomes work, I mean work that you have been too scared to look in the eyes. What happens when your supervisor makes fun of your soft-spoken voice in front of your coworkers? Does that mean you should reconsider making YouTube videos? Or when that big creative script idea you need to become a big hit hasn’t come through yet? Or when you don’t seem to have a lot of followers on a blog you’ve been working on for years? What happens then? Do you stop? Hell no! Wake up! Hard work  just doesn’t happen the old Disney Cinderella way that most of us were taught, but that’s okay because it’s much more fun that way.
  My dream is to inspire the self-doubters, the naysayers that dreams do come true. I want people to look at me and say, “If this ordinary girl can do it, so can I.” So what if you have a million ideas, and no one believes in you. At least you believe, and that’s all you need to make your first step. Now, I’m just getting started in this process but when I’m done I’ll let you know how it all turned out.

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