Thursday, August 14, 2014

To Be At Peace!

      I haven't written in a while, I tend to think I don't have time to write, but then I end up using my time pondering instead of doing. Then I realize writing is what  gets me through the tough times,  an sometimes where I just sit and stare at the obstruction going on in the world.

      My heart is heavy, as most know a lot is going on in this country whether one cares to know or not. Along with that, I am dealing with issues internally. I have to face my mistakes, and figure out where I will be heading from now. In the midst of the chaos, I am searching for peace. I am searching for  ways to deal with my problems and THE problems that are affecting most of us right now.

   Right now I am writing,it is important to take time out of the day and do something that you love, or that takes your mind off of nagging thoughts and persistent issues.

Eating, when I eat I am at peace. I am thinking of chocolate,potato chips,and pasta. I am thinking of FunYuns specifically,because when I eat  those round,salty snacks it reminds me of my childhood, and tastes like naivety. Most childhood snacks are not healthy, but everyone should relive their childhood once in a while (that's if it was good of course).

I pray, or try to think good thoughts. I may have said this before, but I'll say it again. I once asked my older Ivy League graduated cousin what she does when she is in distress and she simply stated,"I just pray". I think prayer gives people hope. I think it gives something to believe in. However, if you refuse to believe in any God, then think good thoughts and maybe it will good energy into the world.

Find someone or something you trust, who you find loyal. Right now, I can't find that person.It's hard for me to trust one single person, it's hard for me to pour out everything and strip myself bare . So I have a dog. Her name is Naomi, and she gives me peace by simply being and doing what dogs do: be loyal. If I didn't have a dog, I would look up motivational speakers online, evangelists.,or just read something inspiring enough to trust.

Take action,eventually. To stop chaos action must be taken. When chaos starts, you know that procrastination must stop and that  the time to do something is now! This is the one  part I have been having a hard time accomplishing , but eventually I know that I will take the courage and the will to change what needs to be changed.


 I would love to hear what makes you at peace. So maybe, I can add it to my list.