Friday, January 10, 2014

Skinny vs. Curvy


   I hate seeing posts about skinny is in, or curvy is in. It's really stupid,  because I think it confuses people. I'm not sure why, but people have like a mindset where you must think one or the other statement is correct. You can't choose both, or think that all body shapes or equally beautiful, just either or. I am sick of it!

   As a skinny woman, I agree that the media shows a biased opinion of beauty by stating that thinner women are the ideal. At the moment though, the ideal woman will look like Beyonce, or Kim Kardashian. However, why should that equate to bashing skinny people. The whole "women have curves," and all that other mantra that people spew to increase their confidence isn't making the media change their minds. 

You see, we need to tell everyone that they are beautiful, whether their bodies look like a runway model or a pin up model. EVERYONE is beautiful! Stop thinking that a really skinny girl is anorexic, when an overweight girl standing next to her probably just flushed her vomit down in the toilet. 

  There are truths that even the eye can't see, and instead of us women bashing each other, we should all be loving one another ( I would love to see the day that happens).We should tell each other that they're beautiful. Not smirking and saying, "Eeew, she needs to eat!" , or "Wow! Someone needs to lay off those fries!". 

That is when the war against women will stop in the media! We need to make our own rules of beauty, and it won't be a skinny vs. curvy rule. It would be everyone is included rule! 

I hope I make sense, it's just something I have been thinking about lately. I think we as people make things more complicated than it really should be.  We give media too much power, and it sucks!  There needs to be diversity in the images that is presented to us. However, don't expect anyone else to do it, we have to do it ourselves. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year, New Look!

   Hey! It's now the new year, and I haven't really written any resolutions. I just want to be the best I can be, and improve myself and the world around me. But, I want that every year. However, what I do want this year is to make this blog better than it was before. As you may have noticed, I have been changing the look of my blog constantly.

    So, last night at around midnight I was at creating a banner for my website and I absolutely love it!

The new look!
It's simple, and not complicated or tacky like the ones I had before. So I'm feeling kind of good about this one.  I also got me a twitter account. I have had twitter accounts before and I always just ended up deleting them. However, I'm very interested in the black twitter and discussions that I keep hearing about, therefore I'm in it hopefully for the long run.

Obsessed with my banner!
   As you can see! I need more followers, so follow me ( I follow back) if you have one right here! I'm trying to get my Shameless Maya on, and just shamelessly plug myself online and see where that gets me!  Anyway, I hope the new year brings in good memories and fun times for all! Thanks for reading!